Do any of these sound familiar to you or someone you care about?

  • Thinking others can read your mind
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Suspicious or afraid of others
  • Thoughts or beliefs that seem strange
  • Belief that media sends hidden messages to you
  • Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy
  • Hearing things that others don’t hear
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much

These could be signs of early psychosis which include clinical high risk for psychosis and first episode psychosis.

Psychosis can have a huge effect on a person and their family. These effects may include sadness, family conflict, and disruption in social functioning.

Research has shown that comprehensive, coordinated care can improve the results of a person experiencing early psychosis.

Learn More About Psychosis

About PREP

Utah has five teams statewide who help youth and their families identify and diagnose psychosis, including Weber Human Services, Davis Behavioral Health, Volunteers of America, Wasatch Behavioral Health, and Southwest Behavioral Health Center.

These PREP teams (Prevention and Recovery from Early Psychosis) are skilled professionals who can advise clients on how to find treatment and support to manage symptoms of psychosis.

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About PREP


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Get Help

Navigating psychosis may feel intimidating, but resources are available to youth throughout Utah. There are many mental health resources available to young people who are experiencing mental health symptoms that are disrupting their life and daily functioning.

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If you are seeking help with psychosis or are a Utah provider, please reach out.

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