Utah has five teams statewide who help youth and their families identify and diagnose psychosis. These PREP teams (Prevention and Recovery from Early Psychosis) are skilled professionals who can advise clients on how to find treatment and support to manage symptoms of psychosis. 

Recovery is possible.

Coordinated specialty care (CSC) is a recovery-oriented treatment program for people with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and clinical high-risk for psychosis. CSC promotes shared decision-making and uses a team of specialists who work with the client to create a personal treatment plan.

Services include

  • Referral, screening, assessment, and engagement
  • Shared decision-making
  • Treatment planning
  • Therapy, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis (CBTP)
  • Case management
  • Supported education/employment 
  • Individual and family psychoeducation
  • Peer support
  • Occupational therapy
  • Medication and nursing
  • Crisis services, transition planning, post-treatment support

Utah PREP Teams

Weber & Morgan Counties

Weber Human Services

Weber Human Services
Stacy Scadden
(801) 625-3700
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Davis County

Davis Behavioral Health

Davis Behavioral Health
Kirk Harrison
(801) 773-7060
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Utah & Wasatch Counties

Wasatch Behavioral Health

Wasatch Behavioral Health
Erin Awerkamp
(801) 960-1625
Visit website

Salt Lake County

VOA Utah

Volunteers of America
(801) 363-9414
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Iron County

Southwest Behavioral Health

Southwest Behavioral Health Center
(435) 867-7654
John Brown
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